Saturday, May 4, 2019


I had to do a lot of work in Photoshop to get this White-breasted Nuthatch to show up in this pic since he was in deep shade with a very sunny background. I wanted to show him on this ring of peanuts that he was enjoying so much - it took him about 1/2 second to grab a peanut and then take off. I'll show you the original pic tomorrow.  
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Nuthatches are such cute little birds!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Great capture Pat. Amazing how such a tiny bird manages to carry a peanut.

  3. I’ve never seen one on a feeder! Only climbing trees! So cute!

  4. The tough little Nuthatches are one of the few birds that spend the winter around here. Fine looking feeder and shot of the bird. It is hard to get a back lite subject to become visible.

  5. What a cute little fellow. The peanuts look almost as big as he is.

  6. Great photo, Pat and great photo editing.

  7. Gosh he must be so tiny Pat, the peanuts look so big compared to him 😊

  8. Hello,

    They are cute birds and one of my favorites. Great sighting and photo.
    Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great new week ahead.

  9. It's cute bird the Nuthatch. Well done to get some colour in those tricky conditions of shade and sunshine in the background.

  10. I don't see how a tiny bird like that can eat a peanut. Like me swallowing a watermelon whole.
