Sunday, July 21, 2019

Pretty Purple

One year you plant a few Alium bulbs and within a few years you will have a fine crop. I took this pic in June and forgot to post it but wanted to show all of the blooms. The bees love them!


  1. Pollinator-friendly plants are the most important of all,

  2. Yes, the bees really love them !
    Nice pic, Pat.

  3. Oh my gosh, they are so beautiful. When I first moved to the house in Phoenix about 12 years ago, there were three pots in the backyard that I planted some plants in. What I didn't know was that there was a few Alium bulbs deep inside one of those pots and about two years after I moved in, up they sprang early one spring. I didn't even know what they were. I had to ask someone.

  4. These are lovely. Glad the bees are happy!

  5. Very pretty and we need to help the bees!

  6. They're very pretty. The bees need all the help they can get.

  7. They are beautiful, even when the blooms have faded.

  8. Lovely purple! The vibrant colours are so nice to see!
