Friday, August 16, 2019

Down A Laneway

You all know how I love wandering about the laneways of the older parts of the city and it is not just garages that you find along them. There are often older commercial buildings built behind the houses many years ago that served as mechanic shops, dairies, etc. I spotted this large building recently and I'm not sure what it was originally but is now used as a residence. I love that large arched window you can see and there is also a roof deck.


  1. Wouldn't you love to see the room where that arched window is located? I love finding hidden places.

  2. What a nice find, Pat. The arched window is impressive, you don't see too many of these anymore.

  3. Hello,

    The arched window is nice, I am sure the roof top deck has a nice view too.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  4. I really like the roof-top space - a lot of potential there!

  5. Yes a cool little building with a story. I love the wood also

  6. I love those back streets. Well, back when I was young and it was safer!
    We had ivy on the building behind our house!

  7. Nice to see that building being used and I like that ivy.

  8. Great discoveries. Your enjoyment is well justified by your wonderful finds.

  9. Looks fab Pat, would be so good to have a peek in that gorgeous arched window ✨

  10. It has good bones. I'll begt it makes a good home.

  11. I could see myself in a place like this, in a quaint little city!
