Friday, September 27, 2019

Moose About Town

This moose is found on a grassy knoll in front of the zoology building at U of Toronto. Called Mooseconstrue, it was created by the well known Toronto artist Charles Pachter. You can see in the pic it has some earmuffs hanging from an antler but hopefully they won't be needed for a few months yet.


  1. Hello,

    I love the moose and the title Mooseconstrue! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

  2. ...I'm in the Adirondacks hoping to see a real moose.

  3. A great way to say, 'Hey, this is the zoology building!"
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. He's a beauty standing there so regally. Many, many years ago, I was on a camping trip up in northern Arizona when a beautiful, big moose came wandering through the camp site. He just munched some grass and then went on his way. They really are incredible animals.

  5. Always have mixed feelings about moose. They are a large animal, fun to see at a distance, but I never want to come upon one unexpectedly.

  6. I once had a few moose at the end of our driveway in Alaska and had to wait twenty minutes for them to move on so I could drive out. Yelling at the them did nothing, they just looked at me. :)

  7. Great sculpture! We have elk here but I don't know that I've seen a moose in the wild. Let's hope none of us need ear muffs anytime soon (though snow is predicted in Washington at higher elevations this weekend).

  8. He looks rather magnificent looking down from his elevated position Pat.. even with the dangling earmuffs ☺️

  9. it! Send earmuffs to the west.
