Sunday, October 27, 2019

More Ghouls

I'm thinking that there may be a few kids who are hesitant to go through this entrance to get some treats. I saw a dog today who refused to walk past a Halloween display just down the street from this one - he went out onto the road!


  1. That's really funny, about the dog. We used to have neighbours, when we lived in Nepean, who went all out. No kids. He just loved Hallowe'en!

  2. Might deter me, let alone kids and dogs!

  3. Great Halloween display. Use to have a landlord who looked like the green guy, but he was not so green. At least he is happy.

  4. I guess that canine was not very courageous! Love the ghoul!

  5. When I was a little kid, there was one house my sisters and I never wanted to go to. There were no scary decorations, it was just the house the scared us. As we got older, we realized it was just a house like any other but, when we were little we wouldn't go near it. I certainly wouldn't walk up this walk when I was about 5 years old.

  6. You do wonder what dogs think of our seasonal decorations.

  7. That poor dog must have been frightened. Our neighbor's dog when we took him for walks if there was a bin on the walk, he would stop and freak out. It was rather funny watching him. After a few walks, he eventually just looked at it and kept walking. Brave wee guy. :) We call him "Freak Show" :)

  8. Yes, I wonder how many kids are terrified by these displays.

  9. Why do we always do this to ourselves?

  10. They're really getting into the Halloween spirit Pat 👻
