Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Our Nuit Blanche event took place a few weeks ago which involves a myriad of free art installations set up all over the city and runs from sunset to sunrise. One of the locations was the large garden at Spadina House which had illuminated structures made from recycled things suspended from the trees. This large oak tree had these blue orbs which were made from blue bottles and during the night event were lit from within. They were still hanging there a week ago when I passed through.


  1. I bet they were pretty when they were lit. I love that shade of blue.

  2. Pretty!
    Because of postponements for various reasons, both my book clubs meet today, one at lunch, the other tonight! A busy, but fun day for me.
    I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Quite pretty!

    I miss our Nuit Blanche, as it hasn't been held for three or so years now.

  4. They look like huge blue blooms Pat, must have been a super sight at night 💙

  5. Someone with a few too many shots under his belt might be very confused as he reeled home! :^)

  6. Or perhaps this oak tree has decided to produce large, blue fruit? Lovely shot.

  7. Pretty cool, I like them. At first I thought they were some kind of flowers. Nice shot, Pat.

  8. They look lovely, and would no doubt look even better when lit.

  9. What a cool and creative way to bring beauty to life!

  10. Looks nice but really this tree doesn't need an ornamentation.

  11. Such a pretty shade of blue. If those last into winter I'll bet they'd be stunning in the snow.

  12. Hello,

    It would be fun finding the art all around the city. I like the tree decorated with the blue orbs. Wishing you a happy day!

  13. Me encanta el contraste Pat.
    Un abrazo.
