Thursday, October 3, 2019

Trinity College

This is the main entrance to Trinity College, one of the colleges that make up U of Toronto. This oldest part of the college was built in 1925 in the collegiate Gothic style. I spent a bit of time wandering its halls a few weeks ago and tomorrow will show you a pic of the grand chapel.


  1. ...built with style before disability issues where important.

  2. Loved the beautifully aged brickwork, will be excellent to see inside Pat.
    P.s. I'm not 100% sure Pat but I think the second language may be one of the Asian dialects, we do get lots of Asian tourists.

  3. Hi Tom, there are actually long ramps that come up from the sides to provide access to the door. But I agree in that times have changed and we are more aware these days than in the past.

  4. Lovely architectural style looks much older than 1925. The University of Chicago used much the same style. Looking forward to seeing more of your photos tomorrow.

  5. This is exactly how college building should least in my mind.

  6. This one I've only seen from the outside. It is impressive.

  7. What a lovely solid place. Find picture, Pat

  8. A lovely and stylish old buiding.

  9. I wonder if my San Francisco hippie college days would have been the same if I'd attended classes in a building like this. It seems so much more dignified than the buildings I knew. It's gorgeous.

  10. Me encanta esta foto Pat.
    Buen octubre.
    Un abrazo.

  11. Love it! Looks like a school you'd see in the movies!
