Thursday, November 21, 2019

Snowy Flags

On Remembrance Day, November 11, there is a tradition at the Veterans Centre at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre to plant 100 flags for each resident of the centre during the night before. This year 47,000 flags were placed into the ground throughout the gardens and lawns. Unfortunately it started to snow in the morning and by evening all of the flags were buried and it remained cold for several days so it wasn't until a week later that the flags started to appear again.


  1. ...for the most part, our snow is just history now.

  2. That's a beautiful scene with all those flags peeking out of the snow. Too bad the snow buried them for Remembrance Day.

  3. Hello,

    It is neat seeing all the flags in the snow. The red on the flag is a pop of color in the snow. Have a happy day and a great weekend ahead.

  4. How pretty! And a nice remembrance.
    And what fun to see them emerge like flowers coming up in the Spring!
    Have a great day!

  5. Interesting tradition. We also had a dusting of snow last night. Hope it does not last all winter.

  6. What a beautiful picture with the flags being exposed again. Very touching!

  7. I was in Costco on Nov. 11. Right on the dot at 11 a.m. the The Last Post bugle call played over the P.A. It was amazing to see everyone stop what they were and no one move until it was over. It was a stirring moment.

  8. They look so pretty in the snow!

  9. What an amazing sight that is as the snow melts Pat.. can't believe you're having snow aleady!

  10. It is a fine tradition, but being buried in snow in early November? That is just not right!
