Saturday, November 30, 2019

Warm Tail On A Cold Day

We had some cold days a week ago with some strong winds when I spotted this black squirrel huddled on a branch of a tree. The wind was at his back from the north and was blowing his tail right up over his head which must have helped him to stay warm!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. ...and it's only going to get colder!

  2. Oh my goodness what a cute photo! I hope that worked to keep him warm.

  3. Hello,

    I guess the squirrels are used to the cold weather. It has a nice furry tail. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  4. The squirrels will not like tomorrow's weather Freezing rain, ice pellets and snow.

  5. Cute !
    I like this photo very much !

  6. Smart squirrel just trying to stay warm.

  7. What a great photo of these beautiful squirrel! I hope we see our Fox squirrel when we hike this weekend! Hugs!

  8. That looks like a great idea. The coyotes in our neighborhood were howling with misery last night (and it's already down to 1.6C this evening).

  9. Must have been out in the wind. Great shot.

  10. I knew that tail would come in handy 😉 Super silhouette of this sweet creature Pat.

  11. Great photo!
    We are getting a lot of rain. Squirrels use their tails as umbrellas!
    Have a blessed day!
