Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Warm Bath

There are few things as nice as a warm bath on a cool day and this House Sparrow knows that. I watched him for a while as he went in and out of the water really getting a good soaking in the heated bird bath. Then he came out and sat on a branch to dry off in the cold!
Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. The thought of drying off in the cold, sent chills down my spine but the sparrow is probably used to it.

  2. Fine wildlife action photo. The birds do appreciate having water available this time of your.

  3. Thank you for sharing the uplifting feeling

  4. Hello,

    It is fun watching the birds at the bath. Cute capture! Thanks so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  5. Wonderful way to keep the birds clean and happy over the winter.

  6. I guess that's an avian version of a human hot tub. I'll bet it's a popular spot.

  7. I never heard of a heated bird bath, great idea! And such a cute little guy, too!

  8. Don't you love them? I really enjoy our birdbath. The heater ought to be cleaned, though. Good reminder.

  9. I had no idea there were heated bird baths, but I suppose in your part of the world they would be quite common. For most of the year here the birds need the cool water to refresh themselves.
