Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Watch Out For Turtles

This sign was found by the pond that I showed you a couple of weeks ago in the Wychwood Park neighbourhood where the baby goose door was. They take care of the wildlife there!  
Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Cute sign! I am always very careful not to hit turtles when I see them in the road.
    Have a great day!

  2. That is a great sign. Hope motorists watch for all wildlife on the road.

  3. The turtles are safe. In the GTA it is the intelligent species (humans) that need help crossing the road.

  4. It's encouraging that we try to protect our wildlife. Turtles are in no danger at this time of the year of course, but when the females are seeking areas to lay their eggs the traffic carnage is high and regrettable.

  5. ...great sign, but I can assure you that there are NO turtles out today here! Thanks Pat for sharing, watch out for those turtles.

  6. Can you drive that slowly ;-)
    We have this for frogs, usually.

  7. And, that is a good thing! It reminds me of the time I was driving on one of our busy streets when the traffic suddenly stopped in both directions. At first I couldn't see why and then I spotted the momma duck with all her little ones following behind crossing the road. It made me feel so good that everyone stopped and waited and no one got impatient.

  8. There's a place here with a turtle crossing sign, but this one is much cuter.

  9. More likely to see look out for toads here

  10. No turtles in my neck of the woods so no turtle crossings.

  11. Hope the motorists see and read the sign.

  12. Wonder how they wil survive the cold looks to me as dangerous as the traffic.

  13. Hello,

    We should watch out for all the critters in the road. I have seen the turtle crossing signs before. Have a great day!

  14. I've seen a sign very much like this at the Virginia Arboretum.

  15. Hi Pat, I am with Think Turtle Conservation Initiative. Just happened to see your turtle awareness sign. Not sure if you still have a sign posted. Anyway, we would love to send you as a gift a couple of out 'Watch 4 Turtles' signs. They are made of coroplast, in the shape of a turtle and part of an awareness initiative we started 3 years ago. There are presently 2,000 + signs throughout Ontario. Our contact information is below. Thank you for looking out for the turtles! Wishing you good health and resiliency, take care and be safe.

    Kindest Regards,
    Kelly Wallace
    Think Turtle Conservation Initiative
    Cell/Text: 647-606-9537
    Facebook: thinkturtleci
    Username: Wallace Kathleen Kelly
