Sunday, February 9, 2020

Laneway Streetscape

I'm still posting a few things along the streetscape theme and thought I would show you what one of our laneways look like. Sometimes they can be intimidating places but I have never had anyone hassle me yet. This one has a few houses that are built along the laneway so there are more eyes on the surroundings - this one is called Croft St which you can see more of if you click the label below.


  1. Down here we call these alleys but I have to admit, I like the word "Laneway" much better.

  2. ...this looks like what we call a back alley, something that isn't common at home.

  3. Hello,

    This street scene could be one of the back alleys in my old neighborhood and city. Have a happy day and a great new week!

  4. I see your alley has speed bumps, or traffic calming devices, or sleeping policemen, what ever you call them. So, how does snow get plowed with those on the street without removing them?

  5. Who ever thought painting street art in Toronto's laneways is a genius.

  6. Oh like back alleys, or one-time carriage Lanes. Interesting

  7. Most of the alleys I've seen in Washington State are more narrow than this, just wide enough for one way traffic. Yours, here, looks like sort of an outdoor art gallery.

  8. Very good kind of back ally shot. I like it.

  9. Nice wide laneways Pat, lots of street art along there! Very similar lanes here too, interesting to explore but only at the right times 😊

  10. We had a back street where we lived in Toronto. I used to have nightmares around it!
