Thursday, February 13, 2020

Sussex Spaniel

This Sussex Spaniel by artist Stephan Cruise is one of a long series of sculpture installed along the Spadina Ave streetcar line. The sculptures are each placed on top of 20' poles and you can see in a pic from 2010 how that looks (HERE). It is quite interesting to see the different pieces as you travel along this route with most of them referencing their location. This one is at Sussex St and hence the Sussex Spaniel whereas others in China Town have Chinese themes.


  1. Hello,

    I love the spaniel sculpture. It would be nice to see the whole series of sculptures on the poles. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. What a fine piece of sculpture. Perhaps this dog was important to someone.

  3. I like these a lot. They have put art pieces at all our light rail stops but they are all different and sometimes it's hard to determine what the art is. I like the consistency of this idea.

  4. What a super idea Pat, I agree with Sharon, it's nice that there is a consistent reason for the sculptures 💙

  5. I saw once a lot of poles with statues on it in Nice. A town in France.

  6. Now you have me looking forward to my next trip down Spadina.
    )_ _ __/°°¬

  7. Está guapo el perro en lo alto.
    Un abrazo.

  8. Nice shot! It even looks nice when shown atop the 20' pole. What a fun concept.

  9. I like the idea a lot! Art with brains, wonderful.

  10. Btw, refering to mine: Have you seen Genarro & Jamie videos on Facebook? Or "Two Greedy Italians" with also the late Antonio Carluccio?
    Fun and yum! (Sweet guys. Especially Genarro with his "WHY am I so good with cooking?!")

  11. Oh I really like this one! A commanding view he has too.
