Monday, March 9, 2020

Another Birdo

The artist Birdo has done a really large mural 10 stories high on a building at Yonge St & St Clair Ave just down the street from yesterday's building. The deer in the mural makes reference to the surrounding Deer Park neighbourhood. That rounded structure below is the entrance to the St Clair subway station.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. I like all the geometric pieces and patterns throughout the mural.

  2. Gosh that's a huge endeavour Pat, looks amazing atop the subway station.

  3. A big and beautiful mural created by a talented and creative artist.

  4. ...both Birdo and Jarus were here on Maui in 2019.

  5. This is one mural that have been thinking about photographing but I never made up to St. Clair.

  6. It really has depth and impact. That's a great piece of public art.

  7. Well, it certainly stands out.

  8. Wow, a great mural Pat!
    Thanks for participating.

  9. I’m late visiting because the storms that raged through my area for the past two days knocked out my internet. This is one HUGE mural. Most impressive and oh so colorful. I like the symbolism you shared, too.
