Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Classy Entrance

This is the north facade along Bloor St W of the Lillian Massey building which was built from 1908 to 1912 as the Household Sciences building of U of Toronto. The architect was George Martell Miller and the building has been given heritage protection. There is no longer a Household Sciences program at the university and most of the building is now used for other faculty offices but this northerly section has been rented out to a clothing store and although the outside remains original the interior has been renovated a lot. I'll show you its neighbour across the road tomorrow.  
Happy St Patrick's Day to everyone!


  1. That is a fabulous looking building. It looks like school buildings used to look.

  2. Strange to imagine such a stately building as a clothing store Pat, we do the same here ✨

  3. What a beautiful old building. They definitely don't make them like that anymore.

  4. A very fashionable place for a clothing store.

  5. A lovely cool, classical building. I like it very much. This could be the most sober St Pat's day ever!

  6. ...it's beautiful, I hope that heritage building like this one don't give way to glass highrises!

  7. Oh Yes, Happy St. Patrick's Day to you too. Not much of a celebration this year. Lovely old building. Good that it is now protected.

  8. This one I've seen before. Beautiful.

  9. A clothing store? That's a surprise. It's a classically beautiful building.

  10. In those earlier days of architecture they knew how to make an impression. Thats now a bit disappeared I think.

  11. Hello,

    It is a beautiful building, seem weird it is a clothes store.
    Take care and stay well. Have a great day and week ahead.

  12. Me gusta su fachada.
    Un abrazo.
