Thursday, April 16, 2020

Monument To Alumni

The Harbord Collegiate building which I showed yesterday was constructed in 1931 but the school was established in 1892 with a different building which was torn down. So when WWI came along many alumni signed up to fight and this is the monument to those who died in the war. It has pride of place outside the main doors of the school.


  1. All those lovely young men sent to war, let's hope it doesn't happen again Pat ✨

  2. I've seen memorials like this in different places. It speaks to the huge impact WWI had on society everywhere.

  3. Hello,

    Looks like a great memorial. War is such a waste! Take care, enjoy your day! Wishing you a happy weekend ahead.

  4. A school with a long and venerable history.

  5. A wonderful memorial for those who lost their lives in the war.

  6. A fine looking memorial statue. Was is terrible and needs to be avoided if possible. Both World Wars were awful events filled with suffering and death.

  7. WWI...then all the wars since. I sure wish humankind could learn better.

  8. It is so darn sad that it never stops. Right here I have an empty bag of poppy seeds a friend presented me with - the poppies bloomed beautifully back then - , dedicated to the ANZACS who were brought back from Gallipoli 1915. And here we are, it is the same. Thankfully not right here...

  9. We do find ourselves thinking about the challenges of wartime don't we
