Friday, May 1, 2020

May Theme: Shopping

The May theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Shopping and for this one I offer a pic from my archives since shopping isn't a very common thing here right now. This is a summer shot from the Kensington Market neighbourhood which is full of small independent shops which are now closed until the virus is gone. Hopefully we will be back to normal at some point. 
Taking part in the theme Shopping. Click HERE to see more examples of Shopping from around the world.


  1. Ah, the good ol' days of shopping among the crowds!
    Cheers from Eagan Daily Photo

  2. I miss things like this so much!

  3. AHH, they were the good old days. We everyone could gather. Happy shopping! Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

  4. Never thought I'd say, I miss the old crowds.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. VERY little shopping happening here also.

  6. I think a lot of people are archiving for this theme. Good choice.

  7. I find it amazing how quickly scenes like this seem foreign now. I've become nostalgic for...people!

  8. I look forward to seeing crowds like this again.

  9. Oh, it looks so normal. Perhaps life will be normal again, but not for some time.

  10. I'd be happy to go through this again.

  11. This certainly was a tricky theme right now Pat, looking forward to the time when shopping isn't so complicated again.. although I think I might have saved some money over the last few months 😉 Loved the art and street art few posts back ✨

  12. Very little shopping going on here at the moment. Although, I did a parking lot full of people checking out the hardware store earlier today. Planting season?

  13. i miss street fairs like this!!!
