Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Double Demolition

I showed you a house that was being demolished last Friday and I went by a couple of days ago and discovered that they were in the midst of tearing down the house next door too. These two homes faced a side street running off Dupont St so now the developer is left with a long stretch of land along Dupont which they intend to fill with six townhouses. One of the signs out front says they are for sale starting at $2 million! There seems to be a lot of profit to be made if they sell.  
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  1. Hello,

    I am sure for that price they will be gorgeous homes. The price of housing is crazy, I guess there are more millionaires out there than I thought.

    Have a great day!

  2. I'm always amazed at the amount of people who can afford those housing prices.

  3. These town houses must be deluxe at that price. Developers are always trying to increase efficiency of land use and make a substantial profit. Wonder how the pandemic will impact this project? You need to give us an occasional update on progress here.

  4. Wow, $2 million!! I'm glad that even though Australia seems to have expensive housing we can get great houses for a lot less than that.
    Just recently 3 houses were demolished in my neighbourhood - a corner house and a house on either side. The land has been cleaned out but I have yet to see signs of what is going up, but I presume that they would be able to fit in at least 6 townhouses in that huge block of of land (about 2250sq mt/ 24218sq ft).

  5. Yep, house prices are crazy!

  6. ...real estate price in Toronto are enough to take your breath away!!! Thanks for sharing, take care.

  7. To me, that is a crazy price, but then again I don't live in a big city!

  8. The price of housing keeps going up and wages don't keep up.

  9. $2 million! Well, I won't be buying one of those. I'm reminded of the time I when I worked on the farm as a young man and used to put in lots of overtime. "If you goes on workin' like that", one of the older farmworkers told me, "And if you saves hard and don't drink or smoke, well, by the time you're 247 you'll be a millionaire!"

  10. They looked like perfectly good houses.

  11. Gosh someone is going to make a lot of profit here Pat.. would be interesting to know how much the homeowners got for their old houses ✨

  12. Yes speculation and profit. No balance there. Its corrupting our whole system.

  13. Oh my, see this is just what I was saying plow down and build new and in many cases yes someone gets the huge profit. If the buildings are in horrific shape yes I can see it, but I've been a witness to some old places of charm that are here one day gone the next.
