Thursday, June 4, 2020

A Mystery

I was walking down Yonge St (our main street) and spotted this installation on the side of a building which houses an Italian cafe. I have no idea what it is meant to represent. Those streamers are coated metal so it is fairly permanent. The young guy looking at his phone never looked up at all as I took several pics - this was about 6 weeks ago when it was still cold which explains his heavy coat.


  1. is filled with mysteries.

  2. Hello,

    That is a mystery, the top kind of reminded me of a map.

  3. I'm kind of getting an impression of the polar ice melting but who knows. I really is mystery. The young man with his phone made me chuckle.

  4. Looks like a map to me, too. For an Italian Café, I would guess it is a region of Italy with an island off the coast. There are a lot of small islands in the Mediterranean Sea!
    Have a wonderful day!

  5. In your photo this looks like running water. I see others also thought of water, or melting ice. Good find.

  6. It evokes flowing water to me. Interesting, I guess.

  7. Looks like a broken dam or something the water's coming through.

  8. I like the artwork.
    It amazes me how those people can be glued to their cells like that.
    Neck pain and ... whatever is to come! They miss out on real life...

  9. Yup I'm going with waterfall too Pat but I think it's probably the artist's expression of climate change, the ice caps melting etc. It certainly looks rather striking there 💙

  10. It looks like a map to me, with the streamers indicating running water. Can anyone prove me wrong?

  11. Yes waterfalls makes sense but also the artist could be thinking climate changes and the icebergs melting.
