Friday, June 12, 2020

Gone Today

There was a house on this lot the day before but they managed to knock the whole thing down in one day. There is a sign saying there are 6 townhouses going in on the lot so I wonder if they are taking over the house that is standing in the background too.


  1. The same thing is happening here... but not as fast.

  2. Its easier to destroy than to build proven over and over again.

  3. Amazing how much housing they can squeeze into a small space.

  4. I was thinking the same thing as Karen. You will have show us what gets built here.

  5. Hello,

    6 homes in one spot, they must be small houses. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

  6. It's funny how fast they can clear a house! We had one up the street there this morning, then by dinner it was gone! Even cleared away! A Minnesota Twin bought the property and kept all the other buildings, barns and such but had the house torn down and a bigger, newer, interesting design put up!

  7. It always seems such a shame - that was someone's home, someone's memories, crashing down in a cloud of dust.

  8. A bit different to the Swedish way. But I'm sure someone will make a lot of money here.

  9. Six new ones on one plot? Gosh, cramming them in.

  10. Takes months to build a house, but only a few hours to demolish it. Those powerful track hoes can do the job in no time, load the debris into trucks, and be gone in less than a day. Sometimes the slip-in condo buildings are more efficient than interesting.

  11. Wow! That is amazing to think they can do that in one day! Feels like the new ones gonna be a little tight if there's going to be 61 used to stand? Have a great day!

  12. Makes me think about how fragile our homes are.

  13. I remember that happening on Walker Ave. Quite a shock.

  14. The expression 'here today gone tomorrow' comes to mind Pat, yup I'd say the other building is next to go ✨
