Sunday, June 28, 2020

Partly Open

This is an archive shot looking towards downtown from the top of the steps at Casa Loma. This week Toronto entered stage 2 of the openings since covid hit us which means people can get their hair cut and go to restaurant patios. I'm going to stay isolated for a little longer!


  1. That's a super viewpoint Pat 💙 Things are almost back to normal here in WA, but we personally are also taking things slowly, definitely don't feel comfortable in amongst a crowd yet ✨

  2. Hello,

    Phase 2 is good if only people followed rules to social distance and wear their mask. Love the view and photo. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  3. Me too! Arizona opened up way too soon. I this view!

  4. That's a great view! I am not going anywhere yet!

  5. Great view! Starting tomorrow every business can open with distancing and masks which have to be worn if you can't do social distance. Not going to be out and in stores except for grocery shopping. Cases are way down here and I hope they stay that way.

  6. Love that skyline. I got my haircut from a mobile hairdresser. No problems. Don't you have any?

  7. It is good to be careful.However, it is mandatory to visit a doctor, barber and shop. Fortunately, there has been room to move around here, and there are handmade ideas everywhere.

  8. We're staying isolated, pretty much. We've the grandies in our family bubble, and that has been good for us.

  9. Oh what a fabulous iconic photo of Toronto! Best wishes for a happy opening
