Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Slice The Tomato

When our nurseries were all closed and it seemed impossible to get tomato plants I decided to try a trick that my friend in England uses and I put some slices of tomato in a window box and put a bit of soil on top. It took longer than I expected but this is how they looked a few days ago. The 3 bunches on the right are from a large tomato of some kind and the smaller ones are from grape tomatoes with a few basil seedlings coming up on the left. I'm going to separate them this week even though it is quite late and will see what happens. I have since purchased larger tomatoes at a nursery after lining up for quite a while but there is still a shortage of basil plants here.


  1. That's a trick I hadn't heard before! The best tomatoes are home grown!

  2. Come On Little Ones - Grow Strong


  3. That’s a good trick to get tomato seedlings. We did the same;-)

  4. Oh, the promise of ripe tomatoes to come. They are a true joy of August.

  5. Yes, I've done that before, and once I planted sunflowers inside and that was a wild adventure, but I had great results, and once outside lots of humming birds!

  6. Very smart idea and when they're ready they will taste delicious.

  7. Tomato sandwiches... yummy!
    PS: Prices at the nurseries have gone shy high.

  8. I didn't know you could grow them that way. I don't have green fingers at all!

  9. I didn't plant any cherry tomatoes this year, so I guess I'll have to enjoy them vicariously here. :-)

  10. These seedlings are looking good! Homegrown tomatoes are the best.

  11. Amazing! I am constantly learning things.

  12. Good for you! I expect the settlers did this!

  13. That's making lemonade from lemons! What a great idea!
    We have such a short growing season here I'm confining myself to growing cherry tomatoes (that a former neighbor started from seed and shared with me). I hope you're able to successfully grow some and enjoy a good harvest. (Have you considered covering them with clear plastic sheeting or part of a large plastic bottle to create a greenhouse?)

  14. Hello,

    That is a great tips! Thanks for sharing! Have a great day!

  15. Tendrás ricos tomates.
    Un abrazo.
