Sunday, June 7, 2020

Up On The Roof

It has been a difficult spring for finding nursery plants. Our stores and outlets were all closed and when they did start to open there were huge lineups and a shortage of plants. It was impossible to find tomato plants and basil until about a week ago. Finally I hit a place with no lineup when I arrived and managed to get most of the things that I wanted. And so the little garden on the roof is ready for summer. That rosemary on the left is about 6 years old - it comes inside for winter. There are a lot more planters with herbs and snow peas, etc.


  1. You can grow an amazing number of flowers and vegetables in containers!
    Hope you will keep us updated as the season progresses.
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Hello,

    I will be looking for the tomato and basil plants too, ones that already have had a head start. Your row of plants and pots look nice.
    Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  3. Buying garden plants is a whole new experience in 2020.

  4. It's amazing how much you can grow in a smaller space Pat.. your rosemary is gorgeous, looks like it is in flower too. There are many times, like after a day like today, that I wish my garden was smaller 🌺🌸🌼

  5. Well done. Things were scarce here, too. Better than scarce food shelves, though.
    A lovely garden.

  6. ...I hope that your "farm" does well.

  7. Your little garden is looking so perfect. I cook with rosemary quite a lot so that plant is looking very appealing to me.

  8. I have only a small yard and like you grow everything in pots and containers. Luckily I picked up some very small plants just before all the garden centres closed and I've manged to grow enough of them on to give a show of colour this summer - no tomatoes though.

  9. Best of luck with your roof garden. Tomatoes and basil are the basis of a good vegetable garden. Don't forget the peppers.

  10. Growing the plants yourself is a great hobby. The taste is also quite different.

  11. We grow some plants indoors the whole year. Lettuce, scallions, rosemary, dill. We just start them out and have them grow theire roots in a small container of water. Snip them when we need them.

  12. You're much better with plants than me.

  13. We're eating salads with lettuce from our garden and also harvesting kale. We were able to start much sooner than you.

  14. The squirrels have eaten my tomato plants, and the swiss chard, dug up the cantaloupe and nibbled the zucchini leaves. I am not going to stand in line again at the garden centre. I need a roof garden!

  15. We are all participating and this world change in our own way

  16. I try to grow some herbs... your way might be better!

  17. 2020 the year of newer ideas!
