Sunday, August 30, 2020


These beautiful gates are found at the entrance to the grounds of a large home in the Forest Hill neighbourhood. It is rather unusual to find gates guarding a home in the city but this has been the home of Toronto Maple Leaf hockey players and also various actors in the past and so they may have needed them to provide some privacy. I can remember going to the door of the house in my neighbourhood where one of the hockey players lived when I was a kid. He was always pleasant but thinking back I wonder how often he was disturbed.


  1. I don't have a big gate like this one, but do lock my doors. ;-)

  2. Those are impressive gates, and the house beyond looks impressive also.

  3. Very nice!
    Have a blessed day!

  4. It looks like a beautiful home back there behind the gates. I see lots and lots of houses with gates around here.

  5. Beautifully elegant set of gates Pat, perfect for the lovely house behind them 💙

  6. An impressive looking gate. The house is beautiful surrounded by all the trees and green landscape.

  7. I'm thinking for the most part being thanked and praised was welcomed, or I'd hope, especially for children coming about, great inspirations! Such a lovely gated area too.
