Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hockey Rink In Summer

The outdoor skating rink at Christie Pits Park is put to good use all summer. It is sometimes set up as a skateboard facility and when the jumps are moved aside there is space for basketball too. The CN Tower has peeked into the pic on the left.


  1. Hello,

    Skateboarding is popular, it is a good use for the summer months.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. It’s nice to have a space where young people can stay and move.

  3. A multi-purpose space! People can enjoy this place all year long.
    PS: I enjoy seeing the tower peeking in some of your photos. I remember being up there once years ago.

  4. Pat, I just saw your comment about new blogger. No, I don't have any tips. In fact, I'm ashamed to say, I converted back to old blogger. Which has continued to work up till now. I'm dreading the day they convert us all. I am a business analyst which basically means, I help programmers make changes or build new programs that make life easy for users. So, you can imagine how frustrated I was when I saw the new layout for the first time. They must not have an analyst. I haven't seen anything about the new format that I would call an improvement.

  5. That's what you call good use for a space! Pat I did the same as Sharon above, reverted to old blogger and will stick to it until actually forced to change 😊

  6. It's an interesting use of the facilities.

    I'll admit that I've had bad experience with skateboarders.

  7. I bet that place is popular in the summer. It gets the skateboarders off the streets where they get in the way and are annoying.

  8. There's a facility near me, but it was completely empty a couple days ago as I passed. I think, though, that the gate was open to any who wanted to use it.

  9. Our small skateboard facility has always had skateboarders and bicyclists tearing it up when I've dropped by. It's good to have a place for them to go.
