Thursday, September 10, 2020

New Laneway House

I spotted this new house being constructed in a local laneway. Up until recently it has been very difficult to get a permit for such a home but the city has started to relax its requirements and more of them are appearing. I'll have to keep an eye on this one.


  1. It's different but not something I could live in. I'm afraid to ask what the selling price would be.

  2. It's fun looking. Television I have seen these houses. I'm wondering what kind of such a house to dwell in?

  3. Hello,

    It is a tight squeeze, the top reminds me of a shipping container.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. I started watching a show on Netflix that I think is called "The World's Most Extraordinary Homes". It's about building houses in strange environments or difficult places. This reminds me so much of one I just saw that was being built in a Victorian neighborhood of London. It looked so starkly different than everything around it.

  5. It looks quite compact. I might get claustrophobic living there!

  6. It does feel like a shipping container

  7. No side windows, I wouldn't like that.

  8. Interesting modern design. Think I will reserve judgement until I see it finished. The steel walls do remind us of a shipping container. It is efficient use of the available space.

  9. Contemporary urban living. I'll be interested to see how it looks over time.
    (BTW, thanks for continuing to check in on my blog. I've got some health challenges and am not always feeling up to posting and commenting.)
