Saturday, October 24, 2020

Looking For Trouble

At this time of year the squirrels seem to be very busy rummaging around in gardens looking for treats to eat or hide away for winter. This guy had his eye on some tomatoes but he changed his mind when he saw me.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Cute squirrel, they like tomatoes?

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Happy weekend to you! PS, thank you for the comment and visit too.

  2. One has recently been digging up the bulbs in my planters in order to bury walnuts in there. "Cute little chap" is not the first thing I thought!

  3. He needs something higher in calories than tomatoes so it's a good thing he was diverted somewhere else.

  4. Hopefully he will find what he's looking for. I don't think a tomato was a good choice. I never seen black squirrels over here. He's cute though.

  5. Squirrels are always fun to watch as they are so busy. I do like your photo showing that action. BTW, than you for your comment today. Perhaps the next administration in Washington can ban those pesticides to save the bees. China has no bees and all fruit is hand pollinated, flowers must find other pollinators.

  6. Your squirrel is just beautiful! I saw a fox squirrel this week and we went to the woods in search of him today...but no luck! lol Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Oh, yeah! They're working overtime here, too.

  8. It's their last hurrah. All those delish acorns . . .

  9. Sorry, but I love squirrels! Ours is red with a white tummy and I put a walnut outside every day.

  10. I love squirrels too, but not when they eat my strawberries!!!

  11. Aw...fall, when the squirrels are digging holes in the raised bed to munch on the last of last years stash, and plant the new stash for this year. My raised beds are definitely aerated for the coming winter. Still love the pain in the butt creatures :)

  12. Adorable little tomato thief 😉

  13. mine too!!! but do they ever remember where they have hidden these things?!?!
