Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Vandal

I was out for a walk and could hear a woodpecker from 1/2 a block away as it banged away at something.  I finally spotted this Downy Woodpecker hard at work looking for a bite to eat. I'll show you where it was tomorrow.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hope it was worthwhile for the bird.

  2. They are loud.

    I found an article that said “ Since woodpeckers do not have a song … drumming may serve as a territorial signal similar to bird song and it may also serve to attract a mate,” according to the website”

  3. oh no, i hope that wasn't your home!! they can be little trouble makers sometimes but they are so pretty to look at!!

    figures it is a boy making all that trouble!!

  4. Oh my, he has done some damage to that wood. Here I see (and hear) woodpeckers working on metal vent pipes. I keep wondering what they expect to get and why it doesn't give them a headache.

  5. Awesome bird! What kind of thing it is? Looks a bit like ours (Dendrocopos minor)

  6. Hello,

    I hope it found something yummy to eat. Our squirrels usually do more damage to the wood on our deck. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care and stay well. Have a great day, happy weekend.

  7. Some times woodpeckers just like to make noise. There use to be one that drummed on the aluminum street light shade outside my office that make an amazing racket. Always like seeing woodpeckers around unless they are hammering on my house.

  8. Oh dear, I'm glad that's not my house!

  9. That's a small bird to do so much damage. But it's not good for sure. We had a hole in our roof because of a woodpecker! YIKES!

  10. I wonder if there are termites behind the wood.
    At least you got a photo. I hear woodpeckers a lot in the trees, but they are quick to go around to the other side of the tree before I can focus the camera on them!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. I hear you knocking, but you can't come in.

  12. If it does find bugs there, that certainly doesn't bode well for the homeowner. :-)

  13. I wish I could bang my head and not get a head ache.

  14. ...our house had wood siding and the woodpeckers loved it, but I didn't.

  15. Hi Red Pat, in response to your question. Bob Crowe has announced the November theme day in our Facebook group. The theme in kindness.

  16. I´ve never seen or heard one in real life... And I expected them to have some red feathers!

  17. Can I ever relate to this....the last place I rented had wood siding and it wasn't just the woodpeckers, the nuthatches loved to peck at the wood too!!

  18. They are dastardly! Our house is made of wood and they are merciless!

  19. That doesn't look very appetizing Pat, looking forward to seeing more 😊
