Sunday, November 1, 2020

November Theme: Kindness

The November theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Kindness which seemed to be a difficult one during this time of self-isolation. And then I opened a box of new cereal, a high fibre bran one, and out popped all of these hearts and hugs which struck me as perfect for the theme.  Nice images and tasty - what could be better?

 Taking part in the theme Kindness. Click HERE to see more examples of Kindness from around the world.


  1. Inspiration strikes .. nice interpretation and good for you .. high fiber is the way to go.

  2. Perfect photo for the theme. Our world needs more kindness now with this problematic year. Sending virtual kindness your way.

  3. Hugs and hearts - great for the Kindness Theme!
    Looks similar to the breakfast cereal that I eat. I almost said "eat every day," but this morning I had eggs scrambled with cheese and toast with jelly! But I eat a whole grain cereal most mornings with a Boost nutritional drink instead of milk.
    Have a blessed day!

  4. The cereal makers must have realised hugs are exactly what people need right now, perfect for today Pat 💜

  5. “When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people” —Abraham Joshua Heschel

  6. ...keep passing the kindness on.

  7. Something we need more of, to be sure--kindness, not necessarily the cereal, although it's nice to have both. :-)

  8. Creativity is alive and well. Great one for the theme, Pat!

  9. What a nice surprise and perfect indeed.

  10. Hello,

    The heart shaped cereal is a surprise. Great theme, we can all be kind! Have a happy new week!
