Friday, December 18, 2020

Cold Lunch

 A week and a half ago on Sunday afternoon it was 0˚C but sunny and not too windy so I headed out for a walk. The parks I went by were all full of people, some even sitting on the grass having distanced conversations and others like these three enjoying lunch in the sunshine.


  1. Oh goodness, I can't imagine trying to eat when it's that cold outside.

  2. It is never too cold if one is dressed properly, and the sunshine still provides warmth. Good to be outside this time of year. You must have snow by now.

  3. Only Canadians would do something like that. :-)

  4. That's cool, they are dressed warm for that kind of weather.

  5. Days like that, I'd just keep walking.

  6. Hello,

    It seems a little too cold to eat a picnic. They must be warm-blooded.
    Take care, have a happy day!

  7. This made me smile VERY BIG. Thank you.

  8. Gosh thanks heavens for the dear sun! I love that concert hall too, Pat

  9. ...outside dining is getting old here.

  10. I'll have to hand it to these people. I'm an outdoorsman and used to hiking in all kinds of weather, but I just canm't bring myself to sit down at a picnic table to have lunch on a cold day, whether the sun's out or not. Brr!!!

  11. I did once sit down in the snow to enjoy a Christmas lunch, but I was on a walking holiday in the Welsh mountains at the time. You're a tough lot, you Canadians!

  12. I am eating outside often, but in sunny Florida, not chilly Ontario.

  13. Maybe a little bit cold to eat picnic. Or maybe not.
