Monday, December 21, 2020

One By One

 Leaving Christie Pits park after taking yesterday's pic I passed by this very long mural painted on the foundation of the park swimming pool. The One By One Movement is an organization whose goal is to work towards ways of decreasing violence in the community. Each letter has a portrait of someone working towards that.       

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.






  1. An impressive mural to depict such a worthwhile project. I'm sure each one of those portraits has an interesting story.

  2. What a worthy cause and a great way to call attention to a world wide problem. Simply beautifully done, too.

  3. OHHH I like this. Went by there last night looking at Christmas lights.
    Will have to go to see this. Also saw a few on Brock that we want to go back to see in the daylight.
    Nice catch.

  4. Wonderful cause, wonderful caring people and beautiful mural.
    Thanks for contributing Pat.

  5. Nice tribute mural but decreasing violence is a full time job.

  6. What a great project. Anything that can be done toward that goal is time well spent.

  7. This impressive mural supports a worthy cause. Violence can be reduced by eliminating poverty, but we all know that. Too bad so many people deny it.

  8. Beautiful mural and a wonderful way to address a serious problem.

  9. Hello,

    Violence seems to be a problem everywhere, what a great mural.
    Have a great day!

  10. Original y grande ese mural. Me gusta.
    Un abrazo.
