Sunday, January 17, 2021

Fresh Air

The weather has been a lot warmer than usual at times and we have not had a lot of snow so it is not unusual to see someone sitting out in a park like this man who was doing a bit of reading. It will be interesting to see what our February will be like.


  1. ...this certainly hasn't been a typical winter up to this point!

  2. This is the best example of social distancing I have ever seen!

  3. Fresh air is the best these times...

  4. I just checked the weather app and see that we are supposed to have some rain next week. These last few days have been warmer than usual for this time of year.

  5. Enjoy as much fresh air as you can. Stay well, P!

  6. It's nice to have some quiet space outside along with some fresh air. Nice capture, Pat.

  7. How unusual to be able to sit out in the park in January. When I lived in Buffalo we had a huge amount of snow in January. Global warming has a few benefits after all.

  8. He looks lightly dressed for this time of year. All our snow has melted but it's still too cold to sit like this.

  9. Nice to have warm weather at this time of year, but yet so strange.

  10. To sit in a park on a warm day with a book. Ahhh, that is pleasure.

  11. Hello,

    Great photo, it is nice to be outside in the fresh air.
    Take care, wishing you a happy day and a great new week!

  12. The climate seems to be heating up everywhere Pat. What a lovely peaceful moment you caught here 💙
