Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Running Water

It has been bitterly cold here but if water is running it doesn't freeze which results in some nice winter shots. This is one of the small creeks that run through the Humber River valley.


  1. I talked to my sister who lives in Missouri yesterday. She talked about leaving water running to help keep the pipes from freezing. They don't usually get cold like they are experiencing right now.

  2. Looks beautiful with the blue sky peeking through here and there Pat 💙

  3. When it comes to open water this creek has a mind of his own.

  4. Lovely winter photo. If you have running water, you must have escaped the Polar Vortex.

  5. That's a very nice little landscape. It's a measure of how global warming is affecting us that streams never seem to freeze nowadays. I (just) remember a time when people used to go skating on the river in Cambridge.

  6. Our canal freezes but the river doesn't. That's a pretty little stream in the snow.

  7. I know the feeling temps go down to -25 in the overnight hours here, but in a few days we'll be warmer and betting you will too! Stay well.

  8. It's 52 F here this afternoon, but dropping into the 20s overnight with the possibility of snow again Wednesday night. So it goes...

  9. Preciosa foto ver al agua corriendo entre nieve.
    Buen miércoles Pat. Cuídate.
    Un abrazo.

  10. It looks like some critters are drinking from that creek.
