Thursday, March 25, 2021

Living Along Davenport Rd

Davenport Rd follows part of an old First Nation trail that ran between the Humber River and the Don River. It runs along the foot of an old shoreline of a glacial lake and  this results in a steep climb up to the front door of most of the homes along here. Casa Loma is located at the top of the shoreline and it takes 110 steps to reach the top but these homes are built into the side of the hill so it probably only takes 40 or 50 steps to enter them. It would keep you in good shape!


  1. 40 steps are a lot to climb to get home but you are right, if you've lived there for a long time it will keep you in shape.

  2. Just seeing those stairs makes my knees hurt. Lots of trips up and down to carry in the groceries.

  3. That a lot of stairs for an older person to walk up and down.

  4. Wow. Carry stuff up there! I just brought a Stollen (cake) to my 81 year old neighbor to 4th floor and despite I do daily training I needed some seconds before ringing the bell, my, how does he do this at that age a couple of times a day!
    At least in your place likely no flooding...

  5. Hello,

    I like the blue house, the wood details stand out. There are a lot of steps.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Oh yes! Excellent exercise Pat, I like the look of the homes at the top of those stairs also 😉

  7. They look good and that exercise on coming and going is a bonus until you reach a certain age and that depends for everyone.

  8. Wow. Imagine grocery shopping is at a limited need to purchase only, because logging those bags would be quite the workout! I do like how they each have their own choices in decorating too.
