Wednesday, April 14, 2021

A Grand Entrance

This is Harbord Collegiate which is one of the older schools in the city. There was an older building but it was replaced with this one in 1931. A splendid entrance like this one should make you want to work hard and do your homework.

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  1. I have always liked the Romanesque style of architecture, and this one is a classic.

  2. It makes me want to look out that top window! Great looking building.

  3. ...things were built in a grand style back then! My grand school had an entrance similar to this one. Thanks for sharing, take care.

  4. The entrance is a grand one, a very nice building.

  5. Gracious! 1931 must have been a tough year (I'm thinking of the Great Depression) to build a structure like this.

  6. Hello,

    Beautiful and grand entrance! Have a happy day!

  7. Lovely little arched details Pat, it certainly would be an inspiring place to learn ✨
