Friday, April 16, 2021

Condos In The Trees

This is a small condo development of just 22 units in a very wealthy neighbourhood so each one goes for a lot of money. There had been a large house and a woodlot beside right in the middle of the area. The back of the lot looks down into one of our many ravines which is where I was for this pic. I'll be keeping track of this place and imagine that it will disappear into the trees from this side in the summer.


  1. ...a little bit of the country in the city.

  2. Once those trees leaf out the residents will have a beautiful view!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Until inevitably another condo unit is built, wiping out the view.

  4. Will be interesting to see how they develop Pat ✨

  5. Once the leaves come out on the trees this view will disappear. Hope the owners of the condos are happy here.

  6. I bet they enjoy that woodsy view, especially in the summer.

  7. A nice view for the owners to enjoy and a great location to listen to birds talk and sing.

  8. It sounds like this place is on a prime piece of land. I can tell how right you are about those trees. When the leaves come out the place will be hidden.

  9. Hello,

    They are nice looking condos with a great view!
    Have a great day and a happy weekend!

  10. It must be nice when everything is green.

  11. Come spring, though, they'll lose their view of the photographers down below. :-)

  12. You're a wonderful photographer to anticipate what it will look like shortly!

  13. Always the most green spots are the most expensive.
