Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Watery Entrance

The St Clair Water Reservoir is located at the corner of St Clair Ave W and Spadina Rd. It was completed in 1930 and holds enough water to provide the whole city with water for 3 weeks although there are other reservoirs around town. This is the entrance to the lower portal of the reservoir and it is one of the few times I have seen it without a vehicle parked in front of the doors. Even utilitarian structures were given great style in those days!


  1. ...we have a local reservoir with a similar gate house.

  2. A most impressive set of doors likely leading to some impressive machinery.

  3. They took great pride in such works in those days. Now, whether funded by taxpayers or shareholders, questions would be asked about such a frivolous waste of funds. Our cities are the poorer for it.

  4. It has a very elegant look.

  5. A grand stately appearance, and so very important!

  6. The day my park photos were shot was warm and sunny, so many people were out walking and enjoying the warmth. It has been cooler ever since, but not really cold. Thanks for your comments.

  7. Ah, yes, the architecture of bygone days. I always hear the expression "there'll always be an England" rattling around in my head when I see something like this.

  8. What a grand entrance! Have a great day and a happy new week!
