Saturday, May 1, 2021

May Theme: Earth

 The May theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Earth and for this I offer a shot of the deep red soil found in PEI (Prince Edward Island) which is our smallest province. I took the shot a few years ago when we were free to travel about and visit friends. The soil in PEI is so red because of the high iron content.

Taking part in the theme Earth. Click HERE to see more examples from around the world. I will show you a critter tomorrow instead of on the usual Saturday.


  1. A fitting choice for the theme day.

  2. The red soil is everywhere in PEI.

  3. I love this. If it weren't for the water, I'd think it was Sedona here in Arizona.

  4. Looks amazing Pat, exactly like the soil up in our Pilbara region for the same reasons. Perfect for the theme ✨

  5. Hello,

    The red soil looks pretty, it does remind me of some places in Utah.
    Take care, have a happy weekend!

  6. Beautiful contrast of the red earth and the deep blue sky. You have the perfect shot for the theme, and a great photo.


  7. Beautiful image for the theme, I love it.

  8. I missed getting to see PEI on a hiking trip I took years ago. Love to try seeing it again.

  9. great photo and very true to the theme.

  10. Very beautiful colors. Yes, when we were free to travel...

  11. Yes, you've rocked our world with this beauty! Great Earth photo!
