Sunday, June 13, 2021

Condo Construction Continues

This is the front view of the condo I showed you a few weeks ago that is built right beside the railway tracks. It looks like it is going to be rather attractive but I wouldn't be surprised if people start complaining about the noise when they move in. These tracks are very busy with long freight trains all day and night!


  1. Interesting building. Looks like the architect spent his or her childhood playing with Legos. If the building is well insulated noise should not be a problem.

  2. I bet you are right. It's like the people here who bought homes next to the Air Force base and then complained about the noise. What did they think would happen so close to an Air Force base?

  3. That's a lot of condos. Hope the buyers realize the railway tracks are right beside them.

  4. The building looks nice but I wouldn’t like the noise.

  5. It's better than a glass box. I don't mind it at all. I would hope it is well insulated against noise.

  6. I made one of those from my toy bricks when I was five! (Seriously I think it's an interesting building).

  7. Maybe the walls will have some kind of sound barrier? Looks like it will be a beautiful place when done!

  8. Since Moshe Safdie build Habitat 67 in 1967 for the world fair in Montreal you see lot of experience in that direction but there can only be one master.Still a nice try.

  9. We've apartments beside the train tracks here. Not for me!

  10. Gosh it's coming along nicely Pat, hopefully the windows are double glazed 😉

  11. This is going to be really something! Can't wait to see the end!
