Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Contrast in Style

I had spotted this building on Google maps when I was looking for something else and then a few days later headed down to see it. What had been a small commercial building in the middle of a residential area in Little Italy was added to and converted into this striking home. I really like the style and all of the nice brickwork that was used. You can see a bit of the house to its right which is the typical Victorian seen in this neighbourhood.


  1. Gosh it certainly stands out Pat, but not in a bad way ✨

  2. This place looks great. I love that they used the brick to blend in with the rest of the neighborhood while still standing out.

  3. The house stands out from the crowd ;-))

  4. I'm not so sure! I need the light!

  5. I like it, though those steps might prove tricky in mid-winter - no handrail!

  6. Yes it, wonderful to see these images too!

  7. The red brick fits with the neighborhood even if the style does not. Would love to see what the interior of this house is like. Most interesting contrast.

  8. Hmmm. Intersting. It is OK on its own, but I wonder how friendly it is to its neighbors. And they better have lots of windows on the other side!

    BTW, you have commented recently about the absence of masks in Connecticut. We have the highest proportion of vaccinated people in the USA. Some people still wear masks in stores and museums and other indoor activities, especially if they are unvaccinated, or if the quarters are tight. I think the unmasked scenes you have seen have been outdoors.

  9. I'm really curious about how the builder brought natural light into the structure . . . or not.

  10. Hello,
    The red brick does look nice! I like the new renovated home.
    Take care, have a happy day!
