Saturday, July 31, 2021

A Happy Sight

It is always so good to spot a Monarch Butterfly. I've been seeing a lot of them over the last couple of weeks so maybe their numbers are growing. So many people seem to have planted milkweed for them. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Hello,

    Beautiful Monarch photo! I saw one today one our butterfly bush, only the second sighting so far. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

  2. I just had one eclose! I spent 12 hours trying to videotape it, and accidentally deleted them all. I am so bummed!
    I have the same problem with my reading list. It won't work. sigh. This free stuff is a pain in the butt!

  3. Very hard to find Monarchs here.

  4. Gorgeous markings, haven't they?
    Glad you mentioned the weird code thing - yes, that how you're showing on my list. Maybe it'll resolve itself again.

  5. On my computer I have my blogs and my blog reading list among a number of sites that automatically come up on a browser. But regardless, if you put blogger dashboard or blogger reading list into a search term, it should automatically present you with the appropriate page. Barring that, you can also click on history-it should be found by hovering your mouse over settings or over a line of three vertical dots that should be visible at upper right, depending on your system. A drop down menu will show that word, click on it, and it'll give you your search history. If you've already been in your reading list on a given day, the URL will be right there.

  6. I read your comment about about your blog not show up reading list. I tried for 2 hours today to bring it on my sidebar list but I got nowhere. I have been searching for a fix on the internet but I come up empty.

  7. So sorry that you're having this problem! It's maddening I'm sure. Often weird things like this do resolve themselves I have found. Sure hope so. This is a lovely post and I would have hated to miss it. But I'm going to look for you now.

  8. We've seen several recently too and left several Milkweedsin the garden to support them.

  9. Beautiful photo! We see Monarch butterflies here too.

  10. The Monarchs on the move. I have been seeing more of them this year.

  11. what a beautiful image!! monarch butterflies love milkweed!!

  12. Not only happy but tres pretty also Pat 💜

  13. Bellísima Pat. Me encanta.
    Un abrazo.

  14. That really is special! It's rare to see one here!

  15. Beautiful - I haven´t seen one this year.

  16. I'm a huge fan of them and they love to flutter around several of my flower gardens!
