Friday, July 16, 2021

A Modern Home

This house has the boxy look found on many newly built homes in the city but it also has a hidden feature. Tucked away behind those grasses which are getting taller each day is a lovely seating area with shade and lots of room for relaxing. I rather like it.


  1. And I love all those windows across the front in the upper story!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Lovely clean lines and elegant proportions, though I'm no fan of flat roofs. We have a company that installs and repairs flat roofs near here - I've noticed that all their employees live in houses with pitched roofs.

  3. Looks to be a comfortable house in a beautiful setting. The large windows should give good light.

  4. Hmm, flat roofs in Toronto? Santa Fe maybe, but Toronto???

  5. I like it too! I like that hidden shady area and all the windows.

  6. I like the modern look and all the windows.
    Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  7. Very attractive house, I like it too.

  8. It's not to my liking, but that's just personal taste.

  9. I like a more traditional house, usually, but I do like the look of this house. Nice.

  10. Love it!
    Great angle with the garage, too. Just fell back into my studies back then (I went to IT, though, as architecture was "dying" in the early 2000s in Germany).

  11. Much better looking than the cookie cutter homes being build in the suburbs.

  12. A bit le Corbusier style. I like it.

  13. Too bad you couldn't show us what it's like inside.

  14. It's lovely and looking at all the greenery I'll bet their views out the windows are amazing too!

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  16. I rather like it too Pat, nice clean lines ✨
