Monday, August 23, 2021

A Reality Check

I stopped to take a shot of this mural showing some of the wonderful creatures of the sea and then I spotted the interloper in the bottom right corner. The plastic bags seem to be everywhere. The artist for this one is Sweet Luv.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. I like the artist's way of sending a message.
    The alternative is paper bags. Nova Scotia has made the switch to paper. There no reason why Ontario can't do the same thing.

  2. The problem is plastic is so convenient. I always carry reusable with me.

  3. I like the underwater theme of this mural. It would look great at an aquarium.

  4. Great looking sea creatures in an environment threatened by plastic. Perhaps this mural will increase awareness of the dangers of plastic.

  5. It is a sad fact indeed Pat! Beautiful mural too bring attention to this horrific situation 💙

  6. It's pretty (for the most part) and makes a statement too!

  7. Love the sea creatures, beautiful mural!
    Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  8. It's a beautiful mural Jackie and hopefully it brings awareness to a great problem for our oceans and marine life.
    All single use plastic bags have been banned in supermarkets here, but there is still a lot of plastic bags around.

  9. A very creative and informative way tio get the point across that plastic is killing our oceans. Great find.

  10. An excellent and important message besides being quite artistic too!

  11. Beautiful mural about a real sore point in the world.

  12. Me encanta Pat. Parece real.
    Un abrazo.
