Wednesday, September 1, 2021

September Theme: Right Under Your Nose

The September theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is "Right Under Your Nose". I had decided a couple of weeks ago to take a pic of my Rosemary plant which is the most fragrant of the herbs that I have. Even in winter when it comes inside it puts out a lovely aroma. Suddenly over the last week the Morning Glory has decided it likes the fragrance too and has been blooming all around the Rosemary more than anywhere else. 

Taking part in the theme. Click HERE to see more examples of it from all over the world.


  1. Is there any fragrance better than that of Rosemary?

  2. A beautiful sight. We were thinking on similar lines for this one.

  3. I LOVE rosemary and surrounded by these blue flowers makes it even better. I do think rosemary on just about anything makes it better.

  4. Your fine photo makes me wish I had a bit of Rosemary to go with our fish for tonight dinner.

  5. I like your composition for this photo.

  6. Hello,
    The rosemary is growing well, love the pretty morning glories.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Love the smell of rosemary Pat, such a pretty image with the morning glory peeking in 💜
