Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Urban Coyotes

Coyotes have become a fairly common sight in the city's ravines and large parks. There is an issue with people feeding them which makes them more likely to approach humans which is not a good thing. Some little dogs and cats have become prey so it is good to keep an eye out when walking in forested areas. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. We have the same problem here with people feeding dingoes. They lose their fear of humans and see them as a source of food. It's happening with birds too.

  2. It's best that these animals remain wary of people.

  3. Coyotes are intelligent animals and adapt to urban environments quite well. They also live out in the countryside around here, but are seldom seen as they are most active at night.

  4. The place I visit in California also has signs posted like this. There is a lot of hilly land surrounding the area and coyotes live in those places.

  5. They are thick around my farm. You can often hear them cry/scream at night. They are dangerous. Can't believe people are trying to feed them.

  6. ...I know that they are in rural areas here, but I haven't heard about them in the city. Interesting, thanks for sharing.

  7. It's best to read and follow the rules. Shouldn't be feeding coyotes, that complicates matters and the coyote will pay the price if something happens.

  8. It makes a reason for the NRA to exist. Oh, shit, did I say that? I'm sorry.

  9. Scary. Here wolves came back. Well, not in the city, but in the country.

  10. Didn't know they went up so north but when you get food so easy I guess that makes the travel worthwile. They are not to blame. Humans are.

  11. Hello,
    The Coyotes seem to be all around now. I have never seen one near me.

  12. People have seen them around here. There was a bounty on them until last year, when I believe it was discontinued because no one participated any more.

  13. I'm hearing a lot about coyotes both in CT and FL but haven't seen one myself.

  14. I'm glad we are making room for nature!
