Saturday, October 30, 2021

Black Cat

This has to be one of the best home-made Halloween settings that I have ever seen with the theme being 'an Egyptian tomb'. The tarps are meant to resemble pyramids while we look through and up the porch stairs to the interior of the tomb to see the mummy and the usual decorations. While I was getting ready to take this shot the resident black cat came out and sat itself down right in front of the mummy. Perfect!

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. What a very cooperative cat!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Hello,

    Some people really go all out with their decorating. what a cool Halloween display, the black kitty is a perfect Halloween critter. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  3. Cue the black cat! How perfect! I'm reading a series of books by Elizabeth Peters set in Egypt so this is fun to see!

  4. Someone did a lot of work to set this up. It's fantastic and very creative. And, that black cat was perfect timing.
    p.s. All I remember from my childhood are carved pumpkins too.

  5. Hello!:=) Very creative setup, and the black cat added it's Halloween magic to the setting.

  6. Creativity is alive and well. Love the black cat addition, it waited patiently for you to show up and take the photo. :)

  7. How wonderful the black cat posed so nicely for you, perfect for Halloween. A Happy Halloween to you.

  8. Awesome! Very creative.

    My latest post:

  9. That really is creative Halloween decor ... and that black cat certainly knows its role in the theatrical display. :))

  10. Un buen escenario. Aquí es más tipico asar las castañas y comer dulces. También se empieza a celerbrar Halloween.
    Un abrazo.

  11. so clever!! we saw a lot of great halloween decorations this year too!!!
