Saturday, October 9, 2021


This hawk can be found most days perched about 50 ft above one of our transit buildings on the communication tower for the whole system controlling buses, streetcars and subways. He has a wonderful view down along a rail line so it is perfect for watching for prey. It is a Red-Tail Hawk  and may be a young one judging by its scruffy appearance.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world. 


  1. I was at my friend Glenda's house one evening last week and we saw a hawk circling the grassy space at the center of her neighborhood. They are so majestic looking.

  2. A smart bird, a perch with a view.

  3. he has found a great spot, that is why he returns!! nice capture!!

  4. A great looking hawk surveying his environment. I am sure he will reduce the population of small creatures.

  5. He's going to stay there as long as it takes! Good capture!

  6. What a place to find a prey. From above down and reverse. Good job.

  7. Probably gets many good catches from here too!

  8. Cool! I see hawks so often now that if I had a spirit animal, then they must be it.
