Monday, November 22, 2021

A Spy

I spotted this creature lurking on a backstair of a building along some railway tracks. Apparently he is one of the Spy characters that appeared in a cartoon that ran in Mad Magazine, one dressed in black & one dressed in white. He has a big smile and seems to be happy with whatever he found inside there!

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. The Spy from Mad Magazine. I remember the both of them well.

  2. Cute spy :) Nice find Pat, thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  3. I recognize that fellow. He enjoys lurking in the background. Great find.

  4. I always enjoyed the "I Spy" cartoon. The spy dressed in white usually won. This is an image from long ago, so the mural painter is either old or a student of culture.

  5. Takes me back to when I used to read Mad.

  6. An old friend returns, a sly spy indeed. :-)

  7. I wish I'd had a chance to read Mad Magazine. Love the spy. Must be the evil spy, since he's dressed in black.

  8. A spy with a smile, he looks sneaky. Cute mural!
    Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead!

  9. Yes that spy was very good in Mad. Wouldn't mind a magazine like that now.

  10. I remember Mad magazine, but never knew about the spy.
