Wednesday, November 3, 2021


This display of balloons was spotted on the front of a newly opened cannabis shop along Bathurst St. Some of the balloons have popped or deflated but I think it still looks fabulous. Ever since pot was legalized here these shops have been turning up all over the city often with a few in each block in some busy areas. It will be interesting to see how many survive. This one looks quite posh when you peek through the window. 

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  1. That's a lot.

    I agree with legalization, but I think it's as vile as tobacco, if not more so. And there are a lot of these shops here. How many will survive in the long run.

  2. Never tried it, but as a former smoker I really dislike anything to do with tobacco.

  3. That is a huge display of balloons. It's amazing that they are able to keep them up there.

  4. What a happy looking sign with all those balloons. Marjuana past our vote last November, but our Governor has figured out ways to delay any legal sales despite public support for it. So goes the "will of the people."

  5. Pot is still illegal here but of course that doesn't stop people from smoking it. I love those balloons, very colorful.

  6. ...get high is a growth industry! Thanks Pat for sharing this uplifting display!

  7. Looks indeed very good. I like it. (Ps I made a fault by removing your comment on the BH sign by error after removing 20 messages from a thailand casino.)

  8. Now that is a new twist on a pot, I doubt you will see them here

  9. With so many pot shops opening up every one of them needs a gimmick to get one's attention.

  10. Not my kind of shop but the balloons are an eyecatcher.

  11. Just a dream some of us had smoking bunk weed in the '60s. Why can't This be grown and groomed and sold like tobacco? And now it is. Certainly has helped me.

  12. What a wonderful, joyous sight! So happy,, fitting the shop, too.

  13. I guess they had a little help from helium tanks for this project. Otherwise there would be some pretty light-headed employees. :-)

  14. I quite like it. I'm always sad to see them in our field, though.

  15. Here legalization is happening in stages. CBD is everywhere, and Vape shops. Often these places are quite garish with big neon signs.
