Monday, November 8, 2021

Boldly Go

It seemed timely that I came upon this mural on a garage door just after Captain Kirk (aka William Shatner) finally got into orbit. At 90 years of age Shatner became the oldest earthling to go into orbit even if it was for a short while.

Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Very cool! Clearly a Star Trek fan (not me!) lives here.

  2. Loved those old Star Trek shows on television!
    Have a great week!

  3. Very nice mural, I like this one. I can't believe Shatner is 90 years old.

  4. That was something pretty amazing, wasn't it? Great mural especially for a Star Trek fan.

  5. The original Star Trek was a part of our late 1960s experience. Love the mural.

  6. An original mural to see on a garage door.

  7. Presumably the garage door opener operates like a tractor beam, right? :-)

  8. Not only is he old but he also Canadian. I wonder when the rocket started going up did he say beam up Scotty?

  9. The owner must be a Star Trek fan for sure :) I used to enjoy watching the series. William Shatner looks amazingly well for 90!
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  10. Big, big wow!!!
    Shatner sure rocks!

  11. You drive into and are in an other world. Great thought and nicely made.

  12. Hello,
    Great mural, my hubby would love it. He loves Star Trek!
    Take care, have a happy day!

  13. My sincere apologies for stopping by so late. I am having a terrible time trying to leave comments. I get a lot of error messages and am told to try again later.

    I never got into the original Star Trek series because I wasn't a Shatner fan. But I was really happy for him after he was invited to go into space. He sure looked good and so does that awesome mural.
